People enjoy two things

Kokan & Incredible kokan

People enjoy two things

Kokan & Incredible kokan

An Ecocare Stay

Dongarmatha is Mangesh and Shraddha’s labour of love and we are glad that they decided to share it with the world. We just chanced upon it through Trip Advisor when we were looking for a short halt place at Chiplun enroute Goa. It turned out to be the highlight of our trip. The peace and tranquility, oneness with nature, fresh air, hospitable hosts, hot home cooked food and fun activities for kids make this place worth visiting.
Bindu Bhide

Dear Mangesh, Appreciate all your efforts, concern for nature and non commercial approch. I am looking for a slightly longer stay (single person).Purpose of this is to go away from hetic city life , relax, meditate and be a part in nature.Being a staunch naturalist ,I will be using minimum resources with minimum requirements. Kindly let me know if you could work out a package for me with tea / brealfast ,lunch and dinner (pure veg only ,any local food will be fine). Thank you. Best Regards Kiran
Kiran Joshi

Your efforts in conserving the nature and ecology is appreciated. I am looking for a peaceful vacation during May with family – 2 adults, 2 sr citizens and a child for 3-4 days. I would be driving from Pune. Can you work out a package for me? I am open for any day of the week, not necessarily a weekend outing. Thanks.
Advait Lele

Dongarmatha is Mangesh and Shraddha’s labour of love and we are glad that they decided to share it with the world. We just chanced upon it through Trip Advisor when we were looking for a short halt place at Chiplun enroute Goa. It turned out to be the highlight of our trip. The peace and tranquility, oneness with nature, fresh air, hospitable hosts, hot home cooked food and fun activities for kids make this place worth visiting.
Bindu Bhide

Dongarmatha – Nisarg mandir ….. perfect name Visited this place in mid july’13 with my wife. A heaven in other words. Surrounded by nature from all sides. This place is on the top of the hill from where we can have a beautiful view of Chiplun, Guhaghar & the Vashishthi river. The different species of colorful birds, butterflies & flowers around are a simply superb. This place is a bonus for photographers….do not forget to carry you full kit with you. The other best part of this place is the home made, delicious food. The thalipiths, the pohas for breakfast, the usals, the fresh vegetables with garam garam bhakari & ukadiche modak that were server were simply wow. And yes the tea server in bamboo cups, just loved it. There are many places to roam around. But once you reach this place, one will not fell like moving out of this place, its so beautiful. Mangesh , Abhi, Shraddha & Vyum ( Mangesh’s son – called jhampya with love ) are so friendly. They make you feel so comfortable & like a family. And a special thanks to Anant dada & Kashi for taking such good care of each and every requirement. Love you all. Keep it up and carry on with the good work The 3 days spend here were really too less a time. Did not feel like moving out of this place. But finally had to leave with a heavy heart & lots of sweet memories to carry. But the next plan is already made for September. A must visit place. Do not miss it.
Sanket Kotkar


Rediscover Nature. Rediscover Yourself

No other coast in India like KOKAN offers…. such a varied blend of : Wonderful Climate, Beautiful Vistas, Vast choice of Sun-kissed Beaches , Majestic Forts , Historical Temples, Ancient Caves ,Trekking Zones of Sanhyadri hills and much more. One can hear the whisper of history in the mountains, Saga of battles in the forts , the Music of life in the rolling sea, ballads of love at every river flow and dreams every stone has to tell. Kokan is also an absolute challenge for adventure lovers. “Adventure” the word itself has the adrenaline taking over you. You ascend into a space devoid of worries, where egos fade, minds clear. You enjoy the feeling because this is so much different from the rat race in the cities. We are introducing adventure in all shapes and sizes like Trekking, Valley crossing, Jummaring, Rock Climbing, Rappeling, Snorkeling, Scuba diving, Bike tours & Personal Development. While constructing the Eco-resort, we have tried to conserve natural resources by adopting renewable construction material such as Bamboo and minimum use of steel and cement. Bamboo, a species of grass can be regrown every 5 years. We have ensured that we plant bamboo trees so that the resource we have used gets renewed. The resort itself covers approximately 5 acres of land and the main facility spreads over 3500sqft. The facility is constructed with inputs from experts in bamboo engineering. Use of nature friendly material has obviated the use of 1500 bags of cement or tons of steel. This eco- friendly technique has helped us maintain high standards of quality, strength, economy and has enabled us to contribute towards protecting the Green Earth.

Be one with Nature and your inner self

Plantation of only local and wild species For eg Kinjal, Aritha,Bhokar,Shivan, Dhaman, Biwala,Shisavi,Chinch,Muchkund, etc. and Nakshatra Wriksha such as Wad, Pimpal, Umbar, etc. has helped nature to recreate ecological balance and provide natural habitats to the fauna. We sincerely feel that every such step will make the difference and make an individual think about nature.

Enjoy eco-friendly tourism at Dongarmatha! The only place where you can experience a wonderful mix of adventure tourism, agro learnings, spiritual places & the divine peace of nature. Funfilled corporate outbound programs that give you variety of combinations like Chanakyaniti, Adventure games, Nature trails, music, folk dance, pottery & arts to discover a new culture. One can take a glimpse of more than 350 species of exotic avian that range from Barbets, Eagles, Orioles, Minivets, Hornbils, Kingfishers, Tree pies, Robins, Sun birds, Drongos and host of beautiful moths & butterflies.

You can even enjoy the pleasure of having worked in the fields during harvests. Specially coordinated programs will enable you to understand the basics and take a break from the automated electronic world. Dongarmatha offers you an opportunity to pursue your hobbies like painting, reading, writing, music, while enjoying the splendid breathtaking view of the Vashisthi river.

People enjoy two things

Kokan & Incredible kokan


While constructing the Eco-stay, we have tried to conserve natural resources by adopting renewable construction material such as Bamboo and minimum use of steel and cement.


We invite you , your family and friends to explore nature & enjoy eco-friendly tourism. Experience a wonderful mix of nature, adventure, agri, arts & spiritual tourism.


We invite you , your family and friends to explore nature & enjoy eco-friendly tourism. Experience a wonderful mix of nature, adventure, agri, arts & spiritual tourism.


While constructing the Eco-stay, we have tried to conserve natural resources by adopting renewable construction material such as Bamboo and minimum use of steel and cement.


We invite you , your family and friends to explore nature & enjoy eco-friendly tourism. Experience a wonderful mix of nature, adventure, agri, arts & spiritual tourism.


We invite you , your family and friends to explore nature & enjoy eco-friendly tourism. Experience a wonderful mix of nature, adventure, agri, arts & spiritual tourism.



